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 seven days w/o shigan

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Posts : 29
Join date : 2008-12-05
Age : 37
Location : Woodstock

seven days w/o shigan Empty
PostSubject: seven days w/o shigan   seven days w/o shigan EmptyThu Jan 01, 2009 7:56 am

Hey Hippies, hey Alliance Members...

yesterday was a bad day for me because I had a bit trouble to calm down two people in our Guild... they're fighting the whole time and I asked to stop or I would leave the guild. They tried to behave afterwards but just few minutes later they started again. Since acid has GuildLead atm I wasnt able to kick anyone, so I told em I was gunna leave Hippies. After I did the 3 people who were involved also left (and few more but most will rejoin when I am back).

SO, please do not ban me from forums now, because I will be back in 1 week... I need break from guild once in a while (it is my 3rd time now) and do not count on me in this weeks Raids.

HAPPY NEW YEAR to everyone =)
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